Sponsoring States
The UN Convention for the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) ensures that the development of seabed mineral resources beyond national jurisdiction will benefit developing states, and not just wealthy countries. We’re proud to have partnerships with two Pacific Island nations, which work with us to ensure that our operations conform with UNCLOS and the rules of the International Seabed Authority, which regulates activities on the ocean floor. Through these partnerships, our sponsoring states will gain royalties, local employment, educational and capacity-building opportunities. We work together to responsibly explore and develop this common heritage resource, and to enable these island states that are among the most vulnerable to climate change to contribute to combating it.
Nauru is an isolated, uplifted limestone island located in the South Pacific, it’s fringed by a coral reef that acts as the island’s main defense from rising sea levels. Colonial exploitation of Nauru’s rich phosphate reserves created a legacy of environmental degradation that left over 80% of the island uninhabitable and unsuitable for agriculture. As a result of this legacy, Nauru is dedicated to ensuring that future extractive activities are done responsibly. Nauru is a party to UNCLOS and recognizes the essential role of the ISA to put in place strict guidelines and protection measures before any extractive activities take place. Nauru is proud to be the first Sponsoring State to access the developing state land bank and believes that polymetallic nodules offer an opportunity to diversify its economy and contribute to the to the global transition to clean energy.