The energy transition and global development are metal intensive and will require unprecedented quantities of mined metals in the coming decades.


Metal extraction comes with its own set of human and planetary costs, and while there are no perfect solutions, we see the collection of polymetallic nodules from the seafloor of the Clarion Clipperton Zone (CCZ) of the Pacific Ocean as an opportunity to provide an abundant supply of critical minerals with the least social and environmental impact.

Sustainability Approach

In our sustainability approach, we share the thought processes and principles that guide our decisions as we work towards realizing our vision of a carefully managed metal commons that can be used, recovered and reused for generations to come.

TMC Impact Reports

We continue to publish Impact Reports capturing the impacts of our operations to date, the potential impacts of our future operations, as well as updates on the latest developments for our activities both offshore and onshore.

Access the web-version of our latest Impact Report.

Below, you can also download all Impact Reports published to-date as PDF files.